Do you have a fear of flying?
Is flying safe?
A study carried out in America stated that in the particular year it was conducted more people died as a result of kicks by mules and donkeys than in air accidents.
The root cause of your fear can be
agoraphobia (open spaces),
fear of weather and turbulence or
air safety etc.
In addition many people with whom we have discussed this issue have indicated that their lack of control, coupled with noises such as the landing gear retracting/extending in flight, contributes to their anxiety. Another cause of anxiety could be: has the stewardess shut the door properly?
We do not profess to be psychoanalysts able to cure phobias but as professional flyers ourselves we do understand the concerns that people may have. As an example one of our current students is learning to fly simply because they were petrified of flying and was determined to do something about it.
After just a few hours flying with one of our instructors this student is now enjoying the experience and has overcome thier initial fear. Thier confidence is growing every lesson they fly and is now is more comfortable flying in a passenger aircraft.
All of the flights that you undertake with us will be made in one of our Cessna 172SP's which are the UK's best selling light aircraft and have an impeccable safety record. They can be found at more or less every airfield throughout the world.
Our method is quite simple and can be conducted on a one to one basis or a group meeting.
We will firstly identify by discussion your major concerns
Talk about what allows an aircraft to fly
Brief you on the aircraft, aircraft systems and equipment, particularly those when activated have noises and/or vibration
A walk around and inspection of one of our 172SP's.
To sit in the aircraft and have the controls and their functions explained to you.
Experience the taxiing of the aircraft with your own control inputs.
When you are ready, to undertake a 10 minute trial lesson, the instructor will take you for a circuit in sight of the airfield.
Throughout which you can be accompanied by one other person for comfort if you wish.
Debriefing and discussion on your accomplishment so far and your possible next step.
Should you decide to continue we would be pleased to provide further assistance and develop a programme to suit your personal requirements.
What is the price?
For this two hour session it's £149 and is inclusive of VAT, Airport charges and refreshments.